My first chance to cast the 7140 X was at the Sandy Spey Clave this May. I decided at the last minute to use it for my presentation. I put a RIO Scandi 460 on it, and only had time for a couple (literally 2) warm-up casts before I was summoned to “mic up”. With just two casts, I knew right away I had a winner. Throughout the presentation, I performed mostly “touch and go” casts. The line just flew off this rod. There was no “getting to know the rod” period. It just went!
Shortly thereafter George Cook was in town for a filming session. He brought the 7140 X along for the day. He had it lined up with RIO Skagit Max Long 550. After a few casts, I had to tighten my boot laces, or I would have flown out of them! I thought it was a perfect match. With all the incredible rod choices out there, it can be difficult for the consumer to wade through it all.
Here’s why I think you should consider the Sage 7140 X.
1. BC, Big Water, and Distance
On big water like the Skeena, the extra distance and line control of a 14’ rod gives you a distinct advantage. Even on medium sized rivers like the Bulkley, Sustut, and Babine, a 14’ rod makes it easier to present your fly to steelhead holding on the far seam, that spot you were just short of reaching the last time you fished there. The Clearwater and Snake rivers in Idaho are definitely candidates for the 7140. And it’s not out of the question to fish the 14 footer on the Rogue, Deschutes, Umpqua, and Klickitat, to name a few. The bottom line is: longer rods equal more distance, a longer swing, and inevitably, more
2. Longer lines and 15’ Sink-Tips
Traditional Spey lines that have longer head lengths are best suited for longer rods. Long rods aid in the “lift” of longer heads prior to anchor stroke. Also, 15’ or longer sink-tips are difficult to lift out of the water with rods under 13 feet. My experience is that BC guides often prefer the “old school” 15’ sink-tips. Add a lead eyed Intruder to the equation, and get ready to struggle with rods under 13’6”. Sometimes 15’ or more of T-14 is required. This is where having a 14’ rod really makes life easier!
3. Lightest Rod In its Class (and beyond)
Across the board, the Sage X series of rods are super light compared to offerings from other manufacturers. Rod weight, and the level of fatigue associated with it, is a huge factor when deciding what your “all day” rod choice is. The 7140 X is so light for its length that it certainly qualifies as an “all day” rod. Compared to other “top shelf” Spey rods, it is lighter than several 12’9”, 13’4”, 13’7”, and 13’9” 7 weight models. Most rods I found near 14’ were at least a half ounce heavier. While this may not seem too significant, believe me, it is. The ounces add up every cast, every day, and by the end of the week, your shoulders, back, and arms will thank you.
4. It Has the Secret Sauce
The secret sauce started with the Sage One series and it’s called Konnetic Technology. The X series features Konnetic HD (High Density), and without consulting Sage rod designer Jerry Siem, a nuclear physicist, and God himself, I really can’t properly articulate the particulars of it. What I can tell you, is that I have never cast a rod series that contains the total package of line speed, feel, liveliness, accuracy, and ease of casting.
5. You Just Want to Huck Mega
I don’t know about you, but I love to huck mega! The 7140 X is a casting machine. Of course, steelhead aren’t always 100 feet away. But when they are, you need a rod that can get it done. Enter the 7140 X. The amount of horsepower at your disposal here is tremendous!
A Word from Our Sage Rep George Cook
“Both the 7140-4 X along with its slightly bigger brother the 8140-4 X are truly breakthrough sticks in this day and age. In this, the Spey angler’s ability to throw absolute MAX Distance while incurring no fatigue is nothing short of amazing.”
“While the 7140-4 X is going to be a shining star in the Steelhead theater of the Pacific Rim, the 8140-4 X has vaulted its way into both my Number #1 Western Alaska King stick along with the Winter Run starting player.”
Final thoughts
The 7140 X is where power, line speed, feel, and accuracy meet on a curve. That all equates to castability. And isn’t that what it’s all about? Sure, this all sounds like a lot of hype. Well folks, you can take my word for it or see for yourselves. If you have a chance to cast one, I recommend you do.
Cast any X in the series and draw your own conclusions. I trust you’ll have a similar experience. In mean time, you can find me swinging the Rogue with my new
favorite X.
A February fishing report from Will, covering current and upcoming river and weather conditions on the Rogue, Applegate, Umpqua, and several rivers in northern California!