Charles St. Pierre dazzled us once again with his Winter Steelhead Tactics Spey class last weekend. We had true winter steelhead conditions that day with a mix of rain, snow, wind, and high water. But that didn’t prevent our hardy class participants who were eager to learn some new tricks.
The focus of the class was how to utilize multi-density Skagit lines, specifically the RIO IFlight head. One of the skills taught was the “Step and Slide” technique. Essentially, after the cast, you mend, step, feed some line, and swing the fly. Paired with a RIO IFlight head and sink-tip, this an effective way to get your fly deep in the strike zone.

Charles also showed our class how to get your fly to “kick” downstream as it lands, accomplished by a slightly side-arm delivery with an abrupt stop. This presentation is critical when faced with tight casting windows and overhanging tree branches. In addition to that, he taught the class a reach mend.
It's always great to have a “next level” Spey veteran like Charles St. Pierre show us a few tricks on presentation. Stay tuned, he’ll be back soon!